453223 Ortega Street, San Francisco
12.08.20.. | Blog
We all make excuses. Monday’s workout was a killer, so you should take the rest of the week off. You’re too tired. It’s raining. You had a stressful day and “deserve” an evening on the sofa.
But it’s OK, you’ll get back into it next week, right? Maybe. Or maybe another set of excuses will have presented themselves by then.
Our brains come up with excuses all the time, but you don’t usually notice until it’s too late. These excuses aren’t conscious decisions we make about our lives: rather, they just seem to appear automatically.
I call this the ‘automatic excuse generator’. The AEG is a genius at crafting up seemingly completely sensible reasons why you simply cannot follow through with that promise you made to yourself yesterday. It also rationalizes every excuse you make for not holding yourself accountable for meeting your fitness goals.
It’s a gnarly one to beat for sure, but you are captain of your own ship and you do have the power to kick it back into line.
You can learn to tune out those excuses, and keep on moving right through them no matter how much you don’t want to. Commitment is about being prepared to take the actions that will get the job done despite any blips, bad days or obstacles that might get in your way.